So whats the crack I hear you ask. Well since my video has now miraculously achieved 5000+ votes things started to go back to normal and my life ensued with horrendous normality. That was until Francisco (a silver fox from STA Travel Buzz) invited me to attend a travel event, meet the team, other travelers and WTI hopefuls.
Before I jumped on the next megabus I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone. Why not take this opportunity to meet some really cool guys as well as practice my video making skills?! So that's what I did. I pulled myself out of bed and started shooting. If I have to make videos of my experiences this summer I'd better start practicing right? After all I'm no Spielberg yet. So any who here is the fruit of my labour. (don't know why YouTube cut the last 3 secs!)
It didn't take long to make, and I think ill be making some more soon.
Thanks again to STA Travel Buzz and the team, great hospitality, thanks for the beers and it was awesome to mingle down in sunny London! ha! x
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